Friday, June 15, 2007

Aliens, slugs, and gout

A pretty picture unrelated to anything I wrote in this entry.

Pretty much the funniest picture I've taken.

Ancient Irish tomb, or alien experimentation pod?

So there are a lot of pictures I find necessary to post here at this time. First, I think that after Aliens built Stonehenge over on that other island next door, they came and stopped for Guinness in Ireland and made a few relics for us to wonder about. They say they’ve extracted human bone material from these little (and big) graves. Exactly. The aliens were experimenting on them and then killing them. Case closed.

Second, I found one of the mutant slugs. Last time I was in Ireland, I only saw these things at St. Patrick’s oratory. There, they were en masse. Now they have begun to conquer the countryside. I think I found their scout. Sorry Rachel, I’m sure that I will find more in Connemara so I can spell things out with their bodies for you.

Mom, don’t worry about me—I’m eating well, too well. In fact, I’ll need to get my cholesterol checked when I get back. I also think I might develop gout. I salute you, Ford Madox Ford. It takes a great deal of work to get gout, but I’ll try my best. Nobody here eats what is known as the “traditional Irish breakfast,” which includes good things like eggs, sausage, bacon (Irish bacon, not those wimpy thin strips we get), and kinda gross things like black and white pudding. In case you don’t know, white pudding is basically the innards of a pig ground up into sausage form. It looks white. What, then, is black pudding? It is the same as white, but with the pig’s blood added. Everybody here has eaten it at some point, but no one makes a habit of it. I haven’t tried the not-quite-a-delicacy, but knowing me, I probably will.

I went to a really chic bar last night and stayed forever because this rock band was going to play. They didn’t start til midnight, but the place was cool enough for me to chill. The manager of the band (Autopilot) came over and chatted with me for a bit. After I got over his super thick accent and his lazy eye, we had a lovely talk about the differences in weather between here (currently cold and stormy) and Texas (sunny and dry). Then a whole load of schoolies (18-20 yr olds) came in and got rowdy. The band wasn’t half bad, though.

Day: 7 (I made it a week!)
Guinness: 9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read this entry out of order because i liked its title.