Wednesday, June 20, 2007

People/things in my hostel

people/sheep/midges, we're all the same. it's circular.

So, I’m starting my wilderness trek. I’m in a very large hostel with a great variety of people. Let’s see if I can list a few:

1) crazy 60-year-old lady who was stuck in Ireland without money for a year. Now she’s trying to write and paint and get something published and make money before going back to San Francisco. I helped her a lot with her computer because she’s not too techno savvy. Then we talked about life, science, religion, the history of man, Native Americans, and Battlestar Galactica. I’m going to go ahead and shamelessly endorse that TV show. I don’t watch much TV because I don’t like much TV. BSG is the greatest show ever made. It’s the only show for which I’ve ever watched every episode. That’s right. Shameless nerdiness. Anyway, she was big into rambling to me without actually saying much. Lots of making circles with her hands and saying it’s all circular. She was also trying to tell me how some Native American tribes got Anglo features and some Romania-esque language from Europeans who beat the Vikings over to North America.

2) A busload of kids, probably ages 13-15. They are running all over the place, watching TV, yelling. They’re actually not that bad. I think it’s a school trip, so the supervisors/teachers chilled out with us adults for a little bit. One kid ate some old meatballs and got violently ill, puking nonstop. Good thing it was in his own bathroom. Largely unrelated, but relevant nonetheless…the water in this place is kind of yellow…really yellow. I do not want to drink it or put it in my mouth (that’s what she said…or he said), but I had to brush my teeth. Showering will have to wait. Hopefully all of Connemara isn’t like this.

3) Swedish dude/my roommate for the night and French girl/receptionist for the hostel. They are getting along quite well. They’ve been talking all night. Maybe I’ll have another roommate. Or sleep alone. I’m hoping for the latter more than the former.

4) Me.

5) Midges. Not to be mistaken with midgets. If Connemara were filled with swarms of midgets, I would feel much safer (I think) than fending off midges.. Midges are basically tiny mosquitoes. The worst part is that they move in swarms instead of going it solo. Like mosquitoes, they saw your skin open, injecting you with saliva to stop your blood from clotting, and then suck your sweet lifeblood. (inside joke from the Trolff wall: it’s like our lifeblood)

Moral of the story: don’t eat old meat (that’s what she said…ok I’m done).

Day: 12
Guinness: 14

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