Friday, June 8, 2007

Sappy, Sappy and More Sappy

I feel like this inside. With tears in my eyes, I leave the greatest place I've ever called home. Harvard, fair Quincy, I will miss thee. More important than the place, I hugged away the the greatest people I've ever called friends. Of course, most of us will see each other again. That promise, however true it may be, does not make it any easier to deal with the loss. I'm definitely going to have a little identity crisis without Quincy. It was just such a huge part of me. Ok, I'm getting a little weepy thinking about it and writing this. Man tears. Whew. I can guarantee you that I will break down on this trip in the next week. I actually think it will be great to have a little reflection time wandering around alone in Ireland. Maybe on a mountain trail overlooking a beautiful lake. Maybe in my car. Maybe at the local pub. Wherever it is--don't fear--I will let it you hear all about it. For those looking for adventure in this blog, well don't give up on me yet. I haven't even left Boston yet. Too bad Ireland doesn't have bears or snakes or anything dangerous because I would go wrestle whatever poisonous, sharp-toothed thing out there. Ok, time to board.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, friend.

JP said...

I grovel in your presence, great God-Prince.



Anonymous said...

quincy replaced disney world as the greatest place on earth. i miss it dearly.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I actually just cried woman-tears reading this. I wish I was kidding but you know very well that I'm not.