Monday, June 25, 2007

Taking a day off?

For a little bit I was in a town called Cong. I don't particularly like the place. The old John Wayne film, The Quiet Man, was filmed there and they still are going crazy about it. I got out, but not without thinking of the Kong and its famous Scorpion Bowls. Reminds me of a joke this drunk guy told me the other night (if you like Jesus a lot, don't continue reading):
So God was trying to find a nice place to stay in the solar system and consulted some of his angels. One angle says, "how about Venus?" God says, "It's too damn hot!" Another angel puts forth, "What about Jupiter?" "Too stormy!" Finally, one angel says, "Earth would be nice!" God then replies, "Hell no! I got some girl pregnant there 2000 years ago and they're still talking about it!" I don't even think that's funny the second time around. Oh well.

Cong and the Kong...both famous for reasons rather unappealing to me. You may feel differently.

You may have heard of Ashford Castle before. It's a really really fancy castle where all the famous people stay when they come to Ireland. For the cost of my entire summer budget I could get maybe 3 or 4 nights in that place. Believe you me, I thought about it. Then I realized that that would be a lot of Guinness and Irish breakfasts I would be missing out on. However, I walked around the grounds for a while and seriously considered treating myself to a lesson in falconry. Yes, falconry. For a heft sum you can actually hold the hunting birds and learn how to launch them after prey. For a little more money you can go on an a fake hunting trip. I thought that was a little dumb because I would want my falcon to actually bring me back a bloody rabbit, not some stuffed animal.

I'm taking a little time off in Galway right now before I go to the Aran Islands. I've been lulled into the rural Irish way of life. I got into Galway and all of a sudden I was in a city! Tons of people, cars, noise. Sure, people don't say hi to do and it costs of shitload just to park my car, but it's nice change I suppose. There are actually some attractive people here. I honestly was losing faith in the Irish people. It's ok, you're not all mingers. The drinking water here is evidently not safe. I'm not up on the news because my radio reception sucks in my car, but at my hostel I'm staying at tonight they told me not to drink the water. That's enough for me. Bottled water it is. And Guinness. It's good for your health you know.

Once again, I run into the Belgian guy, except this time he's in stone that was sculpted 5 centuries ago. A paradox.

Day: 17
Guinness: 28

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