Saturday, July 7, 2007

The beginning of the end...

These are all from Cloghane/Brandon area in Northern Dingle.
Who knew dingle could be so beautiful?

Get ready for some more eye candy. The Dingle Peninsula is stunningly gorgeous. Here’s a taster. When I first drove in, it was raining so hard, I couldn’t see anything, but later in the day I drove back out and caught myself taking my eyes off the rode staring at the mountains. Then it rained again and I once again was able to safely focus on the road ahead.

I brought with me a few blank CDs in case the disks I needed to burn to for work somehow failed me or got lost. Well, I didn’t need them so I chunked them in the back seat and let them get all scratched up. Later, I realized that I could make playlists on my own music for some good listening in the car—the meager radio offerings get a little old after a few weeks. Of course, I looked at the disk and assumed from the gouges all over them that I wouldn’t be able to play anything on them. I hung my head and resumed listening to newstalk radio. Then I decided I’d go ahead and give the CDs a try. They burned songs just fine, and only a couple tracks skip too much on playback to enjoy. So now I have a couple soundtracks of great driving music. One disc is high energy get pumped up music. The other is a little more emotional. I know smoran loves to play these games where you come up with top 10 or top 5 lists for just about anything. Well here are some of my personal tear-jerker songs on my playlist:

All I Want is You –U2
Ooh La La –The Faces
Pictures of You –The Cure
Maggie May –Rod Stewart

Of course there are others, but these made the cut for my daily listening.

Day: 29
Guinness: 40


Annie said...

Hey JP, it's Annie. I love reading your blog - it's great to see we basically think the same things are awesome/terrible/bland about Ireland. Also I feel you on the lack of internet thing. It's pathetic how much my mental well-being is dependent on having regular internet access. No joke, man.

How are you pulling off the 10 euro meals on our budget?!? I try to spend less than 8 euro/day on food. Maybe I should spend a little more...

Annie said...

Oh yeah, I have a blog as well, though I don't update it as regularly as you... feel free to check it out.

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