Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happiness is…

A warm fire. In a beautiful mansion to be exact. I spent an entire evening sitting in a gorgeous common room of an old mansion just outside Dingle’s town center. That old yellow paint that was popular about a hundred years ago is on the walls, intricate molding on the ceiling. I sat there doing work all by myself in this lovely place with the warm fire crackling nearby. Then I went to sleep in a room with a ton of people in bunk beds, but we don’t need to focus on that part.

A warm beach. Two warm beaches to be exact. On my drive from the Dingle Peninsula to the Iveragh Peninsula, I took an unplanned stop at Inch Strand. Let’s be hokey: I got a foot out of that Inch. The beach was amazing—the best one I’ve seen all trip. Long and sandy with the mountains of the Ring of Kerry painting the horizon. The fact that is was sunny and actually not cold made me smile to myself. Rolling my pant legs up, taking off my shoes, and putting on my t-shirt, I spent a little time walking up and down the beach. Right as I left, a tour bus pulled up and tons of old people got out with their cameras ready for actions. Perfect timing. The next beach was nice as well. It’s right down the road from where I’m staying in Ballinskelligs. Warm water and the ruins of a castle. Glorious. Ballinskelligs has very few foreign tourists and a lot of Irish vacationers in holiday homes. I think this is where they all go when tourists invade their respective towns.

I’ve gone through my two CDs that I burned about 20 times each, but they’re great songs so I keep cycling through them despite the skipping. Besides, I get about 1.5 radio stations out here. On the road, while trying to sing along to She Sell Sanctuary by The Cult, I thought about some of the times I had during the last couple weeks of school. Instead of crying, I started laughing out loud because let’s be honest, most of it was just as fun and funny as it was sad.

Photos of the Ring of Kerry.
Why it is great:

Why it is horrible:

Day: 33
Guinness: 43


Anonymous said...

... a warm beer. Any warm beer, to be exact.

Anonymous said...

i don't know who smp is but he stole my joke.