Monday, July 9, 2007

Kids are Cute

Yesterday I was wandering around Dingle and had a couple funny encounters with children. First, in a residential neighborhood, there was this little Irish boy decked out in Gaelic football jersey in a trimmed field all by himself. He was running up and down the field yelling commentary on the imaginary game he was playing. It was amazing. His commentary was just like the Irish commentators on TV.

Then I went to this really cool local pub that used to be a shoemaker's place. There are boxes of old shoes on the shelves still. Anyway, there was a British family there--father, mother, and 2-3 year old daughter. The man was a huge guy and hilarious. We chatted for a bit. He's a huge Manchester United fan. I pretended not to like Liverpool so that I'd stay on his good side. These drunk brothers were hilarious and had a bodhran (BOW-rain), a traditional Irish drum, out and singing songs and beating on it rather unskillfully. The girl loved the drum, so the brothers were great and let her beat on it. Every time she hit it, she would let out this huge giggle. Then her daddy sang a song and she covered her eyes in embarassment.

Almost done. Just a couple more days of hard hard labor left.

I met this really great Israeli guy at the hostel last night. We found out that we're the same age, so we went to the pubs together and talked a lot. Where I've done nothing to advance a career so far in life, he's already been a psychoanalyst for the army and been a commercial headhunter for corporations. Now he's traveling and starting afresh. We also found out that we'd run into the same Aussie cyclist. It was funny cause we were both talking about him indirectly then we realized we were talking abotu the same guy.

I'm planning on going to this Buddhist place on the Beara peninsula after I'm done.

Day: 31
Guinness: 43

1 comment:


things I like: Man Utd, Dingle, kids, manpris