Sunday, July 8, 2007

Pictures of a Beautiful Day

Yesterday was incredible. One of the best days of the journey. First, the weather was perfect for the first time since the day I arrived. Everything was sunny and people were out and happy. I saw the blue sky and was able to wear just a t-shirt. That makes a big difference after 4 weeks of continuous gloom.
On top of that, I saw some beautiful things. The Dingle peninsula is amazing. Slea Head Drive goes around the coast and has a bunch of ancient structures and some very severe landscape into the ocean. Here's a picture along the way:

This one spot I remember I went to with the family three years ago. We just stared at this beach for a little bit and went on our way:

I decided to go walking on this path along the cliffs to Slea Head, which gave a beautiful view of the Blasket islands, like so:

It was scary as hell because the path was a narrow little walkway about 2 feet wide. Sometimes the path made me clamber over some rocks. The whole way, a misstep could mean…DEATH! But seriously, it could have. Funny how the millions of spiders in the hostel I’m staying in right now make me more anxious than walking along a precarious edge. Furthermore, I’m sure there were lots of spiders on the cliff that didn’t bother me.

Also, I went to this really cool private museum of this American guy who was a famous street musician in Europe. He made a bunch of money and bought a ton of ancient artifacts from old European dudes and has it all in his house. He was a really cool guy and we chatted for a while, especially about how much of a dick Rick Steves is. Rick Steves has a travel guide for Ireland. Rick Steves’ Ireland. Anyway, Rick writes means thing about the museum that are unfounded and then evidently used the guy’s music in his videos without consent. Legal battle? I think so. You heard it here first. Oh, he also has the world’s largest intact wooly mammoth skull. It is special.

Dingle town the next couple days, then the Skellig Peninsula for a couple days. Then I’m done with work. Wow. Then it’s time to play for a week.

Day: 30
Guinness: 40

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