Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cliffs of Moher

From a couple days ago...
I finally made it to the Cliffs of Moher. It’s so famous that people appear from all over the world just to see them and then leave the rest of Ireland unvisited. Despite all the people swarming the place, it’s worth it to go see them. They’re incredible. However, things are very different from when I saw them the first time 3 years ago.

Just a few years ago, it was wide open with very little human intrusion upon the area. Unfortunately, a couple things happened to change that: 1) the Irish tourism industry realized they could make bank if they had a few ways to charge people to see the cliffs, so now there are parking fees and a visitors center and more shops, etc; 2) because stupid people get too close to the edge and fall off, they’ve built large paved walkways with stone walls to keep people from straying toward the edge. People just can’t get to the places they used to. So a lot of people just break the rules and risk incurring the wrath of the Garda or losing their lives.

Lastly, the first time I went to see the cliffs the weather was surprisingly beautiful. When I went this time, it was surprisingly beautiful…until I got to the cliffs. As I made the drive up, I saw these dark clouds roll in on top of me. It didn’t rain; the clouds just sat there on top of the cliffs. The fog was so dense at points that you wouldn’t even know the cliffs were there. It was kind of cool, because you could actually see the heavy winds blowing the clouds around right in front of you. It lifted every now and then, but there was no more sun. Eh, people saw the Cliffs of Moher and got a taste of Irish weather all at once.

You wouldn't know it, but these are the Cliffs.

It got better.

In twenty day, I’ll be on the plane back to Boston. In about 14 days I’ll be done with all my work. That means I get some playtime with no restrictions. Booyeah.

As I was walking through a little town, I saw this middle-aged guy with two kids wearing a shirt that said “2007 Beer Pong Champion.” Still livin’ the dream.

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