Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Keep on keepin on.

It’s been a couple days since I got on the Internet. Even in the most rural parts of Ireland, it’s a commodity that we take for granted. I remember a couple weeks ago sitting in the most remote place in Ireland cruising on high-speed Internet. Finally, I came across an area of Ireland in which broadband or wireless Internet access is not abundant. It’s definitely here—we’re not talking about the Stone Age here—but there aren’t Internet cafes and it’s not in every home. They’re bringing it here soon. Although it seems like cheating to consistently use the Internet when I’m traveling alone trying to be a little rustic, I will shamelessly admit that it has been important for my well being thus far. I’ve still got a couple weeks to have a nervous breakdown, but I’m holding up fairly well from what I gather…though we all know that what someone infers about himself is not always the most accurate representation of his condition.

The day after seeing the Cliffs of Moher, I took a drive south to another spot, Loop Head, on the coast that also has some beautiful cliffs. The weather was absolutely nasty. The wind was blowing harder than it has the entire trip. Luckily, it didn’t rain too hard. Anyway, nobody pays attention to Loop Head because of the Cliffs of Moher. However, relative comparison aside, this little spot was pretty awesome. Plus, nobody was there. I was the only person and that was good enough to make me not really care about the shitty weather. In fact, the strong winds made some impressive waves that crashed against the cliffs. It’s hard to get tired of watching that…unless you’re in danger of being blown off the edge. Because no one goes to this place, there are no guard rails or paths to say, “Hey! You might die if you go over there.” And if I did survive the fall, there would be nobody around to save me. Well I didn’t die in case you were holding your breath in anticipation of the outcome of this adventure. I kept my distance from the edge because the gusts of wind were rather powerful. Long story short, that was a good dose of one-on-one time with nature to make me happy for another few days. Good thing, too, because I’m gonna be in a not-so-pretty city for a couple days.

Smaller, but still sweet.

It's a long way down to some rocks and crashing waves.

This Aussie guy plopped down in the hostel. He's walking from south to north and stopping at every pub he walks by for a glass of Guinness. That's the purpose of his trip. A pub walk. And he smelled cause he'd been walking a lot. That was fine until we went to sleep. Think of the loudest snorer you've ever heard then add a couple decibels to that. Then there was a psycho drunk guy on the street screaming and trying to fight people. And a house alwarm went off. And a dog decided to bark like crazy. I didn't sleep very well. I'm not enjoying my trip any less, but the work is getting very tedious.

Day: 25
Guinness: 33

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