Thursday, June 14, 2007

Random Jibberish

left: me
right: Apu

So I won’t see many big cities from here on out. I made the most of my last night in Sligo. Well, as much as you can for a Tuesday night. If there’s such thing as a slow night for drinking in Ireland, it would be Tuesday. Nevertheless, I had a great time. I went to one pub and started chatting with the friendly bartender and found out that he’d been to Boston like 6 times. He went to the South End to see familiy each time, which he said has a couple legit Irish bars—the South End, not his family, that is. If the bartender of a great pub in Ireland says that, then hey, that’s about as good as it gets. The very next pub I went to, I found out that the bartender lived in Davis Square in Somerville for a few years. I was like, “no way!” and she was like, “yeah way!” and then I was like, “that’s crazy! I have a totally rad friend who lives right there and I’ve been around Davis myself a few times!” then she was like “wow!” It was, like, such a coincidence, ya know. I decided I had no better way to tell that story than in valley girl style. Of course, I’m the only person who’s hearing it said that way in my head.

Things I’ve learned so far:
1) Irish people are really friendly.
2) Things aren’t “great” or “good” or “cool.” They are “grand” or “brilliant.”
3) You don’t tip here. Value Added Tax, VAT, is included. I just had a thought of a big vat of chocolate. I’d jump in like that fat kid in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory did.
4) They use this crazy currency called the "euro." I can no longer just throw my change on the floor because some coins are worse 1 or 2 of these euro things.

I think I’m going insane already…but that’s a good sign because when you’re actually insane, you don’t think you’re insane anymore. Today I was working on my laptop and the last song I played was Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads. Classic song. The very next song I hear when wandering around town is a cover of Psycho Killer playing at a petro station. I didn’t even know anyone covered that song. Then the very next song I heard…this morning I went downstairs to get breakfast (I stayed in a lovely B&B) and the owner was in the kitchen listening to And She Was by the Talking Heads. Well I thought it was crazy at the time. Now it just sounds like jibber-jabber. I’ve also started talking to myself already. Oh, and I found a friend who’s going to be traveling with me. His name is Apu. He’s the on the right in the picture. I’ll have more pretty pictures uploaded onto facebook in a few days.

Day: 6
Guinness: 6


Unknown said...

That's your left. Thanks, photobooth.

LMN said...

augustus gloop.

Unknown said...



hey sleazeball...wanna be in my newest music vid??

guuuuuurl said...

That "rad friend" from Davis is me!! WOOOOOOOOO.